[1] Are you in a serious relationship?- i guess so..=)
[2] What was your dream growing up?- Ive always wna be an army officer, have a family, make my mum happy always and success in my life.
[3] What talent do you wish you had?- i wish i can be clever who can understand all the subjects that my lecturers teach.
[4] If I bought you a drink, what would it be? sweedish berries from coffe beans
[5] Favourite vegetable?- pucuk ubi =)
[6] What was the last book you read?- none coz i is so malas to read a book nowaday.
[7] What zodiac are you?- Capricorn
[8] Any tattoos and/or piercings?- Tattoos:NO. Piercings:YES
[9] Worst habit?- pemalas esp. in cleaning up my room (oops)
[10] If you saw me walking down the street, would you offer me a ride?- yesh i will offer u a ride.
[11] What is your favourite sport?- swimming and netball-ing.
[12] Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?- i dunno.
[13] What would you do if you were stuck in a elevator with me?- do nothing. just be calm.
[14] Worst thing ever happen to you?- gugur longkang after my netball practice. both my legs got bruised..huhu...
[15] Tell me one weird fact about you- always talking to my self even before sleep.
[16] Do you have any pets?- yup yup - cats
[17] What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?- tekezut..
[18] What was your first impression of me?- cute
[19] Do you think clowns are cute or scary?- they're ugly actually
[20] If you change one thing about how you look, what would it be- i wanna be tall and slim
[21] Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?- crime partner.. hehe
[22] What colour eyes do you have?- i think its brown. dark brown.
[23] Ever been arrested?- i think it is a yes..hehe
[24] Bottle or can soda?- both
[25] If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?- spent it
[26] Favourite band to listen to when you're mad?- linkin park
[27] What's your favourite place to hang out at?- coffee beans
[28] Do you believe in ghosts?- i think so
[29] Favourite thing to do in your spare time- sleeping and hang out with my friends
[30] Do you sweat a lot?- yeah..during my netball practice =)
[31] Biggest pet peeve?- ????
[32] In one word, how would you describe yourself?- kuat bejalan
[33] Do you believe/appreciate romance?- yup yup
[34] Favourite and least favourite food?-Favourite food : Sushi. Least Favourite Food: None. coz i like to eat.
[35] Tag 8 people to do this:- Nina, Dilah, Nurnik, Khal, Aimi. (only 5 coz i dun hav much linkers,hee)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tagged by SNZ a.k.a Salwa~
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Happy New Year 2009
- be myself
- try not too late to go to school
- go on my diet - hopefully its work on me =)
- berjimat-cermat : i am jenis yg boros cikit..
- berjaya dlm kehidupan
hope it works on me...haha..coz everytime i make a resolution..its not even work on me..haha..kira nya byk nda peduli.
i really hope the second point is working. coz i is already kana bg warning for always come late to school..hehe..
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Happy 23rd Birhtday to me =)
this is the cake that they suprise at me..
the taste is so nyummy2...
after the lunch we joined Fydah's group doing the survey at Kpg.Ayer. we had a great time.
here are also the list of my family, cuzens and frens who shared same burfday with me:
Kynah - 4th Dec
Nita - 6th Dec
Danish - 11th Dec
Azmatun Afifah - 12th Dec (my bestfren's new born baby)
Uncle Johan - 18th Dec
Mr.Beckham - 20th Dec
Sis Santih - 21st Dec
My Lil Bro, Hj Aerol - 22nd Dec
My noty cuzie, Qilah - 26th Dec
Abg Boboy & ME - 30th Dec
BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jezzebelle Picnic at Pantai Serasa

Peminat setia JZ
hehe ;)

batah bh drg kn sampai a..lapai ayut...

cim cim ada ciri2 dh 2...


as usual with a smile

cute2 anak ikan nya..

Bibi & Janah
Di sebalik asap tu Didi, Dyva's hubby...
Nyaman2 ne makanan drg salai a..
Ayam, Kambing, Sosej & fresh katam (coach bawa)

Ani c Pooh..lawa mua nya a..
bks2 whip cream tu..
Rmbut nya lagi..c Tanjunx tu ikat
cute mcm cartoon peeble's

The Winner
whip cream competition

Late comers p ada reason lah..ya rh org kawin..liat ja usul nya mkn katam a..nda g peduli org. Nyaman th udh 2 katam a..hahaha...
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another Tagged...:p
2) No backspacing.
3) Tag 10 people to do this.
dxkm hjhg sawkigtki nolrhayanki ;pbg hnj jmolhasrfki
and i tag:
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 5:35 AM 0 comments
i've been tagged~ :p
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. What do you want the most for the time being?
♥ new hp E71 for my birthday..phewishh~
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
♥ netball-ing
3. What is your 1 regret in life?
♥ doing sumting stoopid....
Who inspires you?
♥ My mama
5.Tell me something I don't know about your family background.
♥ Lost my babah when i was 6 years old.....
6. What would u do if today is the last day that you would live this current life of yours because tomorrow you are going to live a totally different life?
♥ i'm going to use all my life..hahaha..apa kn..
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
♥ my family
8. What do you feel like doing, right now?
♥ playing pet society in FB
9. If you can get out of your current life circumstance, would you?
♥ no.. i love my life
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
♥ Salwa - she's cute, friendly and if ya malas kn melayan org she will say "hmm..hmm..hmm"
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
♥ just love me the way i am...love you...
12. What's your favourite dessert(s)?
♥ bluberry cheese cake!!
13. What is your ambition?
♥ army officer
14. In what love situation you are in now?
♥ sad..:(
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
♥ BOTH...
16. If you have a chance, where would you like to further your study with scholarships?
♥ Aussie
17. Who is the person/people that you can share all your problems with?
♥ my mama and my berries '69
18. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
♥ successful in my career and have a family...
19. Who do you think is the coolest person, for now?
♥ my bibel...
20. What do you think of this question?
♥ fun..
another tagging;
1. Put Your itunes, windows media plyer etc on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Tag 6 people.
Are you male or female?
Shake your pom-pom - Missy Elliot (hahaha..)
Describe yourself!
Orang Bilang - Wali Band
What do people feel when they're around you?
Tanpa - Sixth Sense
Describe your current relationship.
Kembail lah - A Band Once (jauh Hantap)
Where would you like to be now?
Aku lebih tahu - Mila
How do you feel about love?
Padamu ku bersujud - Afgan (yeah right..malas th ku)
What's your life like?
Matahari ku - Agnes Monica
What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
Hanya kau yang mampu - Aizat
Say something wise :
No one - Alicia keys
If someone says "is this okay?"
Jgn pernah selingkuh - Angkasa Band
How would you describe yourself?
The Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavigne (yeehaa)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Hot - Avril Lavigne (totally right!!!)
How do you feel today?
Betapa aku mencintai mu - Vagetoz
What is your life's purpose?
Single Ladies - Beyonce (hahaha..NO)
What is your motto?
Gimme More - Britney Spears
What do your friends think of you?
Piece of me - Britney Spears
What do you think of your parents?
Womanizer - Britney Spears
What do you think about very often?
Ingkar - Bunga Cinta Lestari
What is 2 + 2?
Cari pacar lagi - ST12
What do you think of your best friend?
Over You - Chris Daughtry
What do you think of the person you like?
Damaged - Danity Kane
What is your life story?
Always be my baby - David Cook
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Dokter Cinta - Dewi Dewi
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Separuh Nafas - Dewi Dewi
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Hilang - Diddy (nda mau eyh..mau happy song jua)
What will they play at your funeral?
Jamilah Jamidong - E'capede Band (wawawa..menangis)
What is your hobby/interest?
Cinta Tak Bersyarat - Element (apa kn?)
What is your biggest fear?
Wait for you - Elliot Yamin (right....)
What is your biggest secret?
Kalis Rindu - Elyana
What do you think of your friends?
Kau atau aku - Elyana
What will you post this as?
Kasih Tercipta - Faizal Tahir
Salwa tagged me......phewishhhh....hahahaha:P
tagging for both surveys;
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
JezzeBelle Big Meeting.....
- Best players during UBD tourney & Wondrous Tourney
- Presents for imported player Dyva & Peah
- Welcoming new players
- Comments from manager
- Confession from each player
=> Nana a.k.a Janah @ JZ#11
JZ 'A'
=> Dilah @ JZ#10
=> Nina @JZ#7
JZ 'B'
=> Anna a.k.a Ratna @ JZ#4
=> Sis Yati
JZ 'A'
- Lack of teamworks & communications
- No forwarding for the ball & less supports from attackers
- Not alert for the ball
- Careless
- Cuai menangkap bola
JZ 'B'
- Less shot
- Supporting from the players - yes!
- No communications
- Also cuai menangkap bola
- Try to improves our playing
- Try to improves our communications in court
- Teamworks
- Try others position eg Depend to attack & attack to depend
- No discriminations
Quote for today's meeting :)
- Nobody's perfects
- Each of us has done a mistake
- Learn from the mistake
- All for one, one for all (as Sis Zai said)
Overall today's meeting we confess what so and what so not. so far everyone can accept what other players said or confess. i know everyone were hurt after reading my previous blog (which i delete it already for the sake of all JZ players) all i have to say Sorry gurls..but its ok then f you all can't forgive me..:)
Thanxx to Peah for using her house as our place for meeting :)
(,") BluBerry69 @ JZ#1
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Last Night
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
smelly baby cooper..huhu
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
early in the morning
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What a day.....
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Q & A
♥ 6 (very)
What is the relationship between you & the last person you texted?
♥ scandal :p
What did you do last night?
♥ gaming
Anything good/exciting happen to you lately
♥ nope
What did you last eat?
♥ nasi ayam penyet with sambal pedas..slurpp~
If you could've chosen the color of the sky, what color would it be?
♥ baby blue....
Are you on any kind of messenger right now?
♥ yup
If so, is anyone talking to you?
♥ yup..my scandal :p
Do you feel like you need to brush your teeth right now?
♥ nope b'cause already brush it
What was the last song you listened to?
♥ with you - chris brown
Looking forward to anything in the near future/future?
♥ yup yup my birthday 30th December
What color is your cell phone?
♥ black
Are you still in school or are you graduated?
♥ in school
About how many comments does your myspace have?
♥ i don't know~btn dh nda log in
♥ nope. y shud i care?!?
Anything sore/hurt right now?
♥ yup..my leg
When was the last time you yelled at someone?
♥ everyday i yelled at someone esp netball time
♥ the result of my assignments!
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
♥ yup yup~the name given Tom & Chimba
♥ nope
What is your favorite TV show?
♥ ugly betty
Does anyone like/love you?
♥ i don't know~maybe
What was/is your worst subject in school?
♥ Economics..i is very sucks on that subject
Do you like the feeling of a body part falling asleep?
♥ yup yup~its jz chillaxing..
♥ no way!
Who made dinner last night?
♥ tukang masak kdai damas (since i is dinner d luar) haha
♥ i don't know
♥ no comment
♥ my dalenxxx..mish him cho much..huhu
Is Global warming happening?
♥ yes it does
How's the weather today?
♥ sejuk
Do you have any plans for today? If so, what are they?
♥ be at rizqun before 7.30am
What can your hear right now?
♥ a song from chris brown. i need you boo~
Do you really care what people think about you?
♥ why should i care. i just don't give a damn
How's your hair right now?
♥ long and tesisir dgn rapi nya (apa kn)
Do you dislike/hate anyone?
♥ for this tym being yes..
What is the most expensive thing anyone has ever bought you?
♥ i dont know.. but my mum does give expensive thing to me :)
Where will be your next vacation?
♥ i don't know
How long do you shower for?
♥ almost 30mins
How do you make your money?
♥ allowance. + mom
Anything exciting happening last weekend?
♥ memanat-ing wif rasp.
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off?
♥ my dalenx
Are you there for your friends?
♥ i will try.
Are you a forgiving person?
♥ depends on what they have done to me...
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
♥ yup yup
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Management 2 Family (:

above: taken masa semester break..b4 jln 2 salwa's open houz at our class.
candid pixie..as usual me with the peace thingy..nda pandai nda kn ada..ehe..trademark udh 2
there is story b4 we jln 2 salwa's house..konon2 kmi ada GPS lh (DeZoul) fikir tau tah ni way to umah salwa which is in Lugu..x toing..ya pun nda tau. den Kas called tia c salwa..idk plg apa drg ckp..from reaction mua Kas..i know salwa tkjut..she said "a2 jauh udh kmu bjln 2. its take only 10mins x a..from itb to my hous" mcm sasax jua kmi 2..almost 1 hr mcri umah nya...wawawa. finally jumpa plg kmi ganya yth 2 bh batah kn sampai nya...

this pix taken from salwa's living room
nyambung ceta th ku lgi ni, yth udh umah salwa, apa lagi kmi pun mkn lah..the foods was nyum2. very delicious. i like the macaroni thingy..slurpppp..almost 2hrs+ kmi bthn d sna. lepak g sama salwa's grandad..he is cool..he tembak us with lots of rambang2 kuasi nya org but its fun. ada jua tjwp,ada jua nda. hehee

This is the cupcakes that we sponsored by our classma8. i think shiyin or kim or both of them. next time i'll ask them..hehe..th cupcakes taste nice..nyum2
that's the end of my presentation..ehe..got lots of m2 pixies taken. nanti tah mpost lg..hehe. lots of perangai d liat dlm class a2..but fun to with them..ehe..chaiyo M2
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
semester break end
wah..semester break end already..pressure time..lots of assignment to do...huhu..bznes law done! three more assignments to do..which are p.o and b.i.s must be send this monday..i haven't done anything yet esp on p.o assignment..wah..mental eyh..
mental2 ku pun beraya tetap beraya..just imagine esuk antar bznes law (monday 13th) p the day b4 dat i went beraya wif my ex classmate to tutong..wawawa..p my assignment alum siap 2..toing..balik 12am...b4 kn sleep bru th cbuk2 mbuat..suka kn last minute thingy..:) yg penting my work done!!
x ada test bznes accounting..wah i really suck in that test..really not enuf tym or aku yg batabiat menulis..well 1st aku aher dtg, 5minutes late x..pas2 bth2 g kn kuar pencil case apa..huhu..f i'm fail during this test..that was my 1st tym..:( p hope pass lah wlupun nda merit..
but then..i nish to lepak with the berries..all of us buzy dh bth2 ani..kn bkmpul pun tgu free tym..kdg2 buzy sama abg lh a.k.a bgatal..hehe..kesian aku ni..i wish i have some1 to bgatal with..hahaha.. ;)
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
semester break....
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
happy 4th anniversary berries..love u all
happy 4th anniversary berries..hope our friendship will neva end. stay gila2. n more scandalous...hahaha..love u all
p/s: nada gmbr terbaru berries. the pix taken was in year 2004 tym hari raya rumah c blackberry =)
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Sleep-over at Hotel Koperasi Seria

aher x a..kmi tdo dat nyt..ada g yg minta free facial since one of us tau mbuat facial..haha..termasuk aku lh jua minta buat kn facial..hehe..p nda dpt tdo lh..ntah a..and we wake up 4am in the morning..sal jamban satu ja n sorg2 batabiat mandi..ehe..den we have breakfast at WYWY pas2 bru jln k BSRC..
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Meeting Tergempar J.Z B4 Tourny @ K.B

coach paning mikir kn cana cara kn mbuat kmi manang..ehe..well at least we win two games :)
Hehe..me n dilah..ertinya nda focus lah 2 apa yg coach ckp kn..haha smpt lg 2..smile :)
Waney..our best shooter..concentrate x a...
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
NetBall aGain....
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
neTbaLL at JKR
We came there before 7 in the morning and the game start at 8am..our first matched was with RED BUTTERFLY..we lose in this game..i dunno brapa point we lose,I think 8-6. ntah I dunno why cana bule…sal we think we can beat them maybe nervous,nya org Brunei “gagaran” hehe..me n waney punya shot pun ntah..malar nda mau masuk..like damn..what happen..
That day my team “JEZZEBELLE” has 6 teams to play with; RED BUTTERFLY, CHIKAS, JADE, SIRION ACTIVE 69, TRIPLE ‘F’ and ABDB ‘B’ where my team kalah semua dgn yg kmi lawan tu p we scored lah jua wlupun kalah..n we already try our best on that day. Well maybe not our luck in this tournament..hopefully we can win on our next tournament at kuala belait. CHAIYO JEZZEBELLE!!
Our weaknesses in this tourney are miss communicate..malar betamu lg tu..passing bola nda betantu meaning nda g liat2 org,main trs pass saja…lambat pick-up..nervous.. My weakness are my shot is very worst ntah I dunno why maybe nervous x jua..nda jaga my opponent where drg slalu lpz from my sight..sigh I wish I can improve all my weaknesses. Amin!!!!
Actually ada plg pictures ni during our tourney a..p arh sir c-paul..alum ku teminta. F I get the pictures already I’ll post as soon as possible =)
And I hope my team JEZZEBELLE..will be the best team ever exist..hehe..we’ll try to improve our skills in netball…last but not least…from nana J.Z#11..she told me to type this words “MAJU SUKAN UNTUK NEGARA” hehehe =)
p.s: more story to come soon...=) just wait hehe
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Random story to share =)
Hmm…I will beceta campur2 ni..rojak lh..hahaha..p ku summary kn lah..as long as kmu fhm..hehe =)
Tonyt aku memanat-ing..konon2 kn lepak COFFEE BEAN lah sama rasp n mocha..x rasp ada agenda sendri wif her colleagues..den mocha,sama me plg..p ya bwa bf nya..den she treat me mamam..well I decide d KFC qlap lah..since I’ve not having my lunch yth lapar hantap..x almost 1hrs plus plus ngu drg kn smpai..kan kapisan saja nda..nah x udh drg dtg..apa lg ku ayas eyh..order snack plate n minuman cup large..haha..THANXX MOCHA..jgn jara..den memanat g ku sma MZ.MATUL me-round d gadong a..haha..p nda batah lah..kajap ja.. ^_^
About MR.S..i have no comment bout him for this moment…since ya satu skulah sama aku..n we know each other but not very well p he act like he dunno me..ye la who am I to him kn...haha..k jiwa th plg me a~p bnr lh bri geram hati jua 2…when u knoe sum1 p ya buat dunno ja bila nmpk tani..nda tgur pun at least smile kh say “hi” aja kh..nda jua pa2 x a..nda jua bri mati x..but I still like him..ujung nya kn.. =)
Netball tourney dis Sunday..kabak2 plg~well we’re “jara-belle” x a..pantang mundur maju terus..hahaha..GUDLUCK JEZZEBELLE..hope we can do our best this tourney since we practice very2 much..hahaha =D
Israk mikraj..hmm..well I am the one who also berabut-ing kn ngambil kupon juz to get $25 only..haha..for god sake nada ku mau 2 sebenar nya x kana pajal leh my mum since my mum pun kana pajal aku pun kandung lah…ya allah..Tuhan ganya tau prasan ku..apa nya org..org Brunei ni gagah2..tau udh berasax..d asax lg 2..polis pun nda tau kn buat apa lg bh..pas2 ada th jua lg yg KUNYANYANG nya nda branti..mcm ya sorg ganya kana asax d sana a2..eeeeeeeeeeee…..sasax lh yg penting..pas2 ada g yg terkorban or jadi mangsa ganya th sal kupon a….alhamdulillah jua kmi selamat..syukur2…
yth ganya ceta ku 2..
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
1st orientation ;)
21st July 2008 : hahaha..(bowh ketawa plg dulu ni) ehe =) well the story is aku dtg aher~alum lg apa2 aku a~udh tia kn dtg aher..kana suruh dtg BEFORE 7.45am..aku dtg pukul brapa nah? (brapa nah?~) aku dtg kul 8am..hahaha..my mum 2 bwa breakfast lagi..lapar katanya...=D tot aku th ni d last person yg dtg..rupanya ada g yg lebih aher dri aku..hehe =)
morning~ada taklimat for parents and us…well d taklimat is all about disiplin, elaun, attitude, exam and apa2 ja yg bersangkut paut dgn ITB lh…yg sadis nya apa nah..kmi exam every 6mths of study yo…..memerah otak th ku ni….lyk STITCHY BERRY sed “mami can’t work under pressure” hahaha =D bnr tu jgn th kn d ubah2 lagi…well I try to change my attitude THAT “can’t work under pressure” to “can work under pressure”~ INSYA ALLAH =D
afternoon~ice-breaking session..hahaha..ani pun aku dtg aher jua…daddy sai tu punya pasal..hmm..well thanxx to him..w/o him I can’t go to ITB….ehe =) x d sana kmi d suruh bkumpul according to our rumpun (MUAFAKAT~BERASAPZZZZZZ) den all our name tag kn~kana ambil oleh senior..semua drg ambil…den drg mixed up..x kn drg tabur2 kn our name tag 2….to other rumpun..which sebelah kmi rumpun BERSATU…..& name tag BERSATU kana tabur2 kn at our rumpun…….jeng..jeng..jeng..d’senior bg kmi masa in 5minit to play the game….kmi ambil name tag yg kana tabur2 kn a2…den kmi d suruh mcri nama org yg tercatit dlm name tag a2…nervous gila yo mcri org a…bcoz incase kmi inda dpt name tag kmi…n org yg kmi cari 2 pun nda dpt name tag nya..kana denda yo…p aku in the safe zone lah….sal at the last minit aku dpt th jua name tag ku a2..yg kana cWAni lah..haha..drg kana suruh menari n menyanyi lagu “JGN GILA DONK” p siuk lah…
mcm2 lah game kmi ptg a2…p nda jua luan mcm2…treasure hunt & signature hunt jua ganya =)
p kan…hahaha…I saw him…I saw him…the guy I admired masa kmi graduation masa a2…wuu..he so damn cute…juz called him MR.S la..=D I like his eyes…so tajam n menawan chewah…he’s taking course M.E..apa nya org..nda ku sangka2 ya se-intake sma aku..hehe.. =D
bh a2 ja ceta ku sal orientation a~ ehe..=) nanti2 g ku bceta..
btw my team JEZZEBELLE..ada logo baru dah..n we make new baju…grey + pink yo…rugged..nanti2 th ku post logo JEZZEBELLE yg baru a~ (kelambatan aku a~)
x.o.x.o BluBerry Girl
Posted by DeeKay PHJ at 8:47 AM 0 comments