above: taken masa semester break..b4 jln 2 salwa's open houz at our class.
candid pixie..as usual me with the peace thingy..nda pandai nda kn ada..ehe..trademark udh 2
there is story b4 we jln 2 salwa's house..konon2 kmi ada GPS lh (DeZoul) fikir tau tah ni way to umah salwa which is in Lugu..x toing..ya pun nda tau. den Kas called tia c salwa..idk plg apa drg ckp..from reaction mua Kas..i know salwa tkjut..she said "a2 jauh udh kmu bjln 2. its take only 10mins x a..from itb to my hous" mcm sasax jua kmi 2..almost 1 hr mcri umah nya...wawawa. finally jumpa plg kmi ganya yth 2 bh batah kn sampai nya...

this pix taken from salwa's living room
nyambung ceta th ku lgi ni, yth udh umah salwa, apa lagi kmi pun mkn lah..the foods was nyum2. very delicious. i like the macaroni thingy..slurpppp..almost 2hrs+ kmi bthn d sna. lepak g sama salwa's grandad..he is cool..he tembak us with lots of rambang2 kuasi nya org but its fun. ada jua tjwp,ada jua nda. hehee

This is the cupcakes that we sponsored by our classma8. i think shiyin or kim or both of them. next time i'll ask them..hehe..th cupcakes taste nice..nyum2
that's the end of my presentation..ehe..got lots of m2 pixies taken. nanti tah mpost lg..hehe. lots of perangai d liat dlm class a2..but fun to with them..ehe..chaiyo M2
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
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