On 23rd August 2008, JezzeBelle team had a trip to seria..where kmi kna suruh bkmpul b4 5.30 d bukit Shahbandar by Mz Matul kmi yg tercinta :p ye le 2..x tau2 ya yg aher dtg..malas ku..aku yg ngambil cimah den bli myk for my baby cooper again ;) plg dulu sampai..p yg awal dtg arfah den nina den me and last Mz Matul..capey.. kira kmi obey her INSTRUCTION. haha

above: taking2 pix buat2 ngu MzMatul kmi yg tercinta dtg :)

ani lah putri2 tercantik yg ikut tdo d KB..haha..p syg Nina not included sal she's d one yg taking the pix..=p

at the hotel: hehe..after smpn brg apa semua. MzMatul lanja kmi mkn d PIZZA HUT..nyum nyum p jauh x a kmi ngayau smpi k Mumong sal d seria ada plg PIZZA HUT p the space is small...the pix above is SANTY..nipun babah gto smpi dh..hehe

aher x a..kmi tdo dat nyt..ada g yg minta free facial since one of us tau mbuat facial..haha..termasuk aku lh jua minta buat kn facial..hehe..p nda dpt tdo lh..ntah a..and we wake up 4am in the morning..sal jamban satu ja n sorg2 batabiat mandi..ehe..den we have breakfast at WYWY pas2 bru jln k BSRC..
x.o.x.o BluBerry 69
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