Sunday, June 21, 2009

Trip mengenali negara kitani (;

Yesterday on the 20th June 2009, me, niNa, Zul & Sai went to OGDC with Nad, arif, dikin n xeera. saja buang panat jln2 mengenali negara kitani. the trip was syiok. we took lots of picture (niNa will download soon). we try all the puzzle d sana. den went to Naafi tapi tutup. Nya Zul pagi gnya buka nya tu p kmi sana ptg after dri OGDC. den k KB tah kami ke Seri Kandi restaurant, mama niNa bekirim daging rendang nya. pastu balik tah kami.

should be ada netball training tu tapi me and niNa not coming since kmi sampai umah around 7pm so just stay at home, gpun netball training abiz 8pm so alang2 jua kn dtg tu. after 8pm tu drg dilah and cimcim lepak umah niNa. haha. ngaga makanan since drg no where to go. it saturday night x~burenx jua tu nda lepak2. haha. after dilah and cimcim balik. aku main Nerf sama siblings niNa..hehe..siuk jua main barang atu...timbak2..wawawa..i like tu~

x nya niNa mcm burenx jua stay d umah tu...x we plan lepak lh..p alum decide d mana. jadi mangsa zul lah kmi bawa...p siuk kn zul lepak2 sama kami ni *kirai2* with condition kami plg ngaga kedia ni. hehe. siuk bh mencari umah mu a~men-discover mata2 kmi tarus. hehe. after fetch him...bru th decide lepak mana. kmi lepak coffee bean main card ja d sana after that cruising th kmi round2 gadong. siuk eyh kes nada kaja a.k.a panat. siuk eeee =D

JeZZeBeLLe Tourney (;

on the 7th June 2009 sempena birthday niNa (JZ#7). JezzeBelle had joined a tourney organized by Nash (nda ku tau apa persatuan nya). Our manager sent two Jezzebelle team ; Jz 'A' & Jz 'B'

short story Jz 'B' managed to put them self into semi-final. Congrats yaw~even thou they're in fourth place tapi kami bangga lah....walau pun me my self in Jz 'A' where we CONDIFENT masuk semi-final but then harapan tinggal harapan. Jz 'B' wakil cukup tah..hahaha~

tapi kan~no offence ah..sapa2 yg terasa kh apa kh..from my side point of view. If Jezzebelle turun as one team kan. InsyaAllah. We'll manage to go to final. hehe. Since turun dua team tu nda cukup player have to putik2 org lagi and at the end still nda cukup players mcm hmmmmp~hampaeh tarus...

masa Jz 'B' masuk semi tu pun mcm pyh2an org kn main sal semua exhausted sudah. Nda makan apa..konon2 supaya nda barat. Batah2 nunggu turn kn main lagi apa. Ada g yg injured (cian Siti). Hehe. Kana bagi M.C 5 hari tarus.

well past is past yg penting kita SEMANGAT~ GO JEZZEBELLE~

p.s: who ever yg baca my blog after this, jgn th kn terasa hati kh apa kh. it just my point. and it is my blog "suka hati ku bah kn menulis"

Okey (; LOVE Jezzebelle


Happy Birthday to RaspBerry a.k.a niNa

Happy 23rd Birthday Beh~
wish you panjang umur, murah rezeki & success in everything you do
happy beside your family and beloved cyg aDy (;
adang2 tah kan ngusut saja ani...
keep on melating...

ilu & imu
friendship forever & ever