Monday, May 11, 2009

My Baby Cooper Scratch

On 9th May 2009, my baby cooper scratch. huhu. cian eyh. terlanggar stable d qlap a..chiet eyh. the story begin when me, Dilah & niNa cruising round2 d gadong & qlap. i was planning kn ambil duit dulu. went to mall, the ATM not working same goes to Bandar jua. x k qlap th kami..masuk th ni rh jln menuju k Hua Ho a...wondering kami jln nya semua kana close. jln punya jln tutup th ya jua jln nya d dpn a...menyumpah lh ckit..konon kn jadi driver yg berhemat tinggi mematuhi undang2 jln raya. niNa & Dilah lah jadi devil sudah ni suruh jadi rock saja keluar dari tmpt jln masuk p aku nda mau..haha..x reverse *toing* terlanggar stable which i didn't realise sana ada stable. mcm panic ku trs...huhu..singgah sebentar th kami d qlap mall..aku kn k toilet..before that ku liat lah...*shriek* scratch baby cooper..huhu..cian eyh..x jln2 th kmi lagi mbawa hati ku yg luka pasal keta ku scratch..drg dilah & nina sangal melayan aku. buang panat gmbr2 th kmi d keta ku..hehe..=))

sekadar plg tu sal scratch nya d bawah ja..p syg jua masih tu..hehe


Happy Birthday

Like niNa say mesti ada issue ni..y mesti org yg birthday bgmbar sama the blog's owner,

Sukati ku wah,blog ku x a..

Neway Happy Birthday Babe =))

Wish you success in everything you do


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday to my gangsta friend Kelvin on the 3rd May.
Hope you have a blast on ur birthday dude!!!

Happy 24th Birthday to my dear friend Suraity & Happy 7th Birthday to my cuzzy Muizz on the 6th May.

D doakan semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, sehat waras akal fikiran & berjaya dalam apa jua bidang yg di ceburi. Amin~~~~~ and berbahagia di samping org2 yg tersayang. Amin~~~~

Coming Soon:
Nur Hidayat Adilah Abd Razak on the 10th May
Happy Advanced 23rd Birthday Babeh


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Selamat Pengantin Baru

*** Selamat Pengantin Baru ***
to my Bestfriend Suraity with Her Hubby Dilah
di doa kn semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat & mendapat baby yg banyak
*the pixie will be upload soon. InsyaAllah*


This movie is very scary and spooky..hehehe..
i watched with my classmates.
scene yg arah lift and basement parking atu yg bari ijap..
wawawa..aku sampai tutup2 mata ani wah...takut jua udh tu p berani x a..

this movie bule lah d kata kn burenx..mcm jln ceta nya tu nda siuk. p the actor aaron aziz, he is ensem x a...rugged lah ya dlm ceta ani wlupun ya bapak ayam.
aku liat movie ni sama arfah..kes borenx nada kn d buat yth liat movie..hee

this movie is siuk berabish...hehehe..siuk pasal apa tu nah..pasal actors nya..c zero sama c gambit.. *kn zul?* hahaha..cute & ensem x a..this actors..hehehe
jln cerita nya pun siuk..nda ngantuk lah..

i watched this movie with "putra" at empire.
bule lh siuk this movie..spooky jua p aku nda dpt teriak...ahhhhhhh...
pasal apa tu nah? dlm cinema tu juz four peoples ja & putra and other couples..
borenx nda dpt teriak..mun me yg teriak mcm kana patan jua tu sapa..hahaha

this movie i watched with my super mengusut n melating berry: niNa.
caley ni ceta a..ketawa saja oleh nya..mcm nina pun balik2 toleh2 rah aku...
katanya "bnr2 ko ketawa?" hahaha..caley x a..

This the movie that i want to wacth...
21st may 2009 bru release
